Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I'm taking a Mystery Writing Class and part of our assingment is to come up with a list of possible suspects. Well I'm a pantser, for those of you who don't know what that means, I write by the seat of my pants. I don't draw up elaborate flow charts and index cards. I don't have files and files of background on my characters and I usually don't know what's going to happen until I write about it. I always have a vague idea but nothing set in concrete. This class has been a challenge for me. I am working on a mystery and I am bogged down. Maybe because mysteries need some planning? They are not conducive to pantsers. Am I doomed before I even set pen to paper or in this case finger to keyboard? You tell me. Also a little help on the usual suspects would be greatly appreciated. I have a stalker, a bad cop and a bad witch (it's a paranormal), but I need one more because one of these guys is the killer and according to my teacher I should have at least three suspects besides the killer. Who else is a stereotypical suspect, a red herring? I value your opinions. 


  1. Hey, Jess. I'm a pantser, too, and not in the practical joking sense. Don't forget about the employee with a grudge suspect - butler, maid, pool boy, etc.

  2. Dana... all good ones I hadn't thought of! Thanks!

  3. A little cliche', perhaps, but sometimes it's the obvious ones we forget about. :)

  4. Plenty of pansters write mysteries!
    Maybe an old boyfriend? A jealous friend? A colleague? A kooky professor? A librarian? Someone who works a the pub/coffee house/restaurant she frequents? You will figure it out! :)

  5. My stalker is an employee but he of course thinks he loves my heroine so having a disgruntled employee is a good idea. I am just trying to flesh out a few scenes to see if they work. Nothing is for sure yet. But it always helps to brainstorm so thanks again!

  6. In real life people are often killed for money or love...there should be plenty of suspects if you look at those 2 sources. Good luck!

  7. What about a sister or brother to the victim that has a favorite child issue! :)

  8. What about a good friend, who ends up NOT being a good friend. . . .because she slept with the butler! Hahahahaha.

  9. All good! I think I have plenty of fodder for my homework Thanks to all!
