Sunday, May 22, 2011

Social Media and the Universe

So I've been blogging and tweeting and facebooking for a day now with awesome results. The world really does revolve around social media. I'm beginning to think life's answers are out there if you just dig hard enough. Twitter was ablaze yesterday with tweets about the rapture and zombies. It seems that my blog was apropos. Towards the end of the day people were saying enough already and started talking about other things. It seemed the rapture came and went via facebook and twitter.

The funny thing is, I would have missed it all if I hadn't taken on this trek to higher enlightenment. I have to ask myself if I would have missed the poignant and funny posts and the answer is: Hell Yes! I've found my fountain of youth. Next will be a smart phone and texting. My daughter groans, my mother rolls her eyes and my husband is oblivious. But I will soon be the Queen of the Universe. (If I can figure out the language.) Captain Underpants watch out!


  1. I sense a new addiction coming on. . . . .I sometimes take my iPhone to the bathroom with me to check my twitter feeds. LOL.

  2. Oh my...@Karysa LOL I'm definitely becoming addicted. It's almost 10am and I still haven't had coffee or breakfast because I've been umm hmm 'networking'... yeah that's what will call it.
