Saturday, June 18, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

I've set up camp in my critique partner's office and we have been hammering out my book. It's been misery. If I wasn't such a pantser when it comes to writing, revisions wouldn't be so bad. But they are. I have friends who love them and I just nod and smile along with them and inside I'm thinking what kind of sick cookie are they?

Another good friend and writing partner, Reina Williams, hooked me up with Six Sentence Sunday. A great way a community of authors share six sentences of their work, published or not, within their blogs. Check it out. It's a great way to find new people to read.

Here goes,  my six sentences from a current work in progress.

Lizbet jumped back and out of the way as the big green bus with its orange accordion middle rushed to a stop, spraying rain water everywhere.  The bus was packed with steaming, smelly people and the only room was on the stairs, she didn’t want to wait for the next bus. She held onto the railing and tried not to swing back and forth into anyone. She could feel her hair start to wave from the humidity in the closed cramped space. Cecile was on the other side of the stairs from her so they couldn’t even talk. This day was turning into one big suck fest.

There you go. Have a great Sunday.


  1. Love this snippet! I can just picture myself on that bus, too.

    Welcome to SSS!

  2. Thank you and thanks for the welcome!

  3. Oh!! I've had that ride more than once! Great six!


  4. As a pantster myself, I feel your pain! If your six sentences are any indication, however, this WIP is a winner. Love your description.

  5. As Sandy said. Can't plot to save my life. Bad hair days are just plain bad

  6. Woo hoo! :) Hope you'll share more of this...I bet her days are going to get even more sucky. ;)

  7. another pantser. I always say I write to find the story.

    Ugh, you just made me re-live the many moment I spent on a bus like that... the humidity fogging up all the windows and the smell of wet clothes and sweat...

    So good job!

  8. And I was there when those vivid six were written!

  9. Vivid bus ride. I liked the "suck fest" we've all had those days!

  10. Thank you for all the lovely posts. I've been deep in revisions this week and forgot what day it was! Forgot to post in time for this week but I will be back next week :)
