Thursday, June 2, 2011

Vampires & French Royalty

So I'm plotting out a new book and it's set in France. I spent a year there and am drawing up from the fuzzy, foggy depths of my memory for details to use in the story. One thing I didn't learn while I was there was the order of French royalty. I googled it and am pretty certain that after the King comes the Duc which could either be a relative or a clergy. But there is no definitive spelling on his wife. I am assuming it is a Duchess. I'm putting this out to the world hoping someone has a better grasp on it than I do. Maybe you have google magick at your fingertips that I don't posses :)

One of the minor characters in the story is a vampire who is a Duc long dead. He has a mate who would then be a Duchess. But I want to spell it correctly. This story may end up being a YA as the heroine is just 17. There are gargoyles, vampires and all sorts of dark trouble in it. I'm just in the planning stages so far, which is a new process of writing for me. I'm ususally what they call a pantser, I write by the seat of my pants. I sit at the keyboard and just write, but this time I am actually making a plan of attack. I hope the story will be stronger for it.

Well, that's all for now. Any help you can give i.e. the Duchess issue would be much appreciated.

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